
Policy and Economic Instruments to Improve Soil Health: State of the Art

10:00 am - 11:30 am

Scheduled on 0

Friday, February 14 2025

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Organized by Helena SUAREZ



Projects involved: InBestSoil, NovaSoil, SoilValues

This webinar offers a detailed analysis of the political landscape and economic incentives shaping soil health management and improvement in Europe. Featuring key partners from various EU Soil Projects, including InBestSoil, Novasoil, and Soilvalues, this session provides an opportunity to explore how these initiatives are working together to develop policy recommendations aimed at enhancing soil health and biodiversity.

Participants will delve into regulatory and financial mechanisms at international, European, national, and regional levels, examining both the opportunities and challenges these tools present. Through practical case studies, the webinar will showcase how effective policy frameworks and economic incentives can drive investment in healthy soils, fostering environmental sustainability, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and climate resilience.

This event marks the first joint webinar organized on the Soil Community Platform, a collaborative space created under the InBestSoil and BIOsrevicES projects to encourage cross-project collaboration and advance efforts in key areas such as policy recommendations, innovative business models, soil health indicators, and monitoring practices.



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